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A world without passion is a cold, dark place, but I have found my passion in photography so I consider myself to be very, very fortunate indeed. As I drive or walk I see the world differently than I did even a year ago, the world is full of colour, light, shade and moments, all longing to be captured. I no longer simply see a field of Canola, which is in itself the most amazing colour, but I see ideas of how to capture that colour, where to put the camera to capture an image that brings together the elements of nature and creativity, that tells a story.

By far, I am most passionate about my exploits photographing the heavens at night, searching for a location the provides interesting accompanyments to the panoramic vista of the heavens above. Playing with the settings on the camera to make the stars simply pop out from the picture and adding light from torches, red lamps and car lights all add to the adventure of discovery. I ask myself, "What would happen if I added a red light, in short or long bursts?" What ancient relics by the side of the road can add texture, light and interest into the picture?" "What other elements can I find that will bring light or colour into the mix?". I imagine all sorts of combinations, all sorts of ideas, some work wonderfully well and some, well, not so good .... But that is the adventure, finding out what works and build on it, finding out what does not work and leave it alone or, perhaps, tweek it to make it into something else. The act of creation is an ongoing process and a growing passion ....

At the moment, throughout regional Victoria, the Canola fields are in full bloom so you can see carpets of vivid yellow next to fields of rye grass and a vivid green. The patchwork of colours is stunning, but what would happen if you put a camera on the ground in a Canola field, what would you see?

Canola from the ground up
Canola from the ground up

These are the sorts of questions I ask myself. What would happen if I added a red lamp to the photo when taking my Milky Way pictures?

But what would happen if I only turned the red lamp on for a short time?

The joy of discovery, the joy of passion.

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